becoming HER – minimind
You know you are just on the verge of your transformation. You are already seeing the world in a different way.
You see yourself in a different way. And you are ready to uncover all that is possible for you when you tap into your own potential and activate your next level in 2025.
You are ready for life to go from ‘this is great’ to this is ‘extraordinary’.
The something that is holding you back is what is keeping you playing small.
What ended up making me quit my corporate manager job, become CEO of my own company, and tap into my self-leadership was me getting out of my own way and stop being relatable.
Not relatable in the hustle culture.
Not relatable in how I lead myself and others.
Not relatable in how I desire to live my life.
Relatable is not getting you anywhere,
– it is keeping you on the path of burnout and overwhelm. When you desire to lead in a calm, grounded and empowered state.
– it is keeping you in places and tables that complain, stay the same and, honestly, even bring you down. When you desire to be in environments where the conversations light you up and give you energy.
– it is keeping you stuck and stagnant in what path to take. When you desire to build the self-trust to move and take action without hesitaging and procrastinating on the very things you feel drawn to do.
If you want to make the money, have the impact and be the version of yourself that your SOUL is here to be and unleash that, you need to become NOT-RELATABLE to become HER.
You feel less ALIVE than ever when you’re reliable and or stuck.
Become HER (the minimind) is the space where you unleash who you really are, around a group of driven souls thirsty for elevated change, refinement, and big CELEBRATIONS.
This shift in identity – becoming HER- will create your own personal authority and identity that’s confident and DOING the things your soul is craving and asking for….creating an entire year into 2025 where you have now established your IDENTITY for your entire movement of your own life craving level of identity and personal power, magnetism and OMMMPPPF in your live, career, & relationships.
Feminine Self-Leadership
You create the balance you were missing when you lead your life from your feminine leadership.
Throwing the hustle, and pressure culture out of the window and tapping into your sweet spot is what will not only give you the transformation and results you desire, you will be able to receive while feeling relaxed, calm and grounded.
Balancing the masculine structure with the essence of feminine embodiment is what’s making you a solid human in 2025.
Emotional Mastery
Dissolving the wounds, fears and limiting beliefs will catapult your transformation. As you decide you are going to go for more in life, you start to change your mind, raise your standards and you’ll not only start to become HER, you’ll BE HER.
This shapes your authenticity and ability to see your relationship with Self and to connect on a deeper level.
It is not how you stay positive when things happen that creates the transformations and the success. It’s how you utilize your strength, your grit, to keep moving when you don’t see the results yet, when people project their fears onto you, when you experience fear and self-doubt.
Success has a frequency. Wealth has a frequency. When you energetically align yourself with the frequency of who you want to be and what you want to create or have, you begin to attract these things effortlessly.
This work is about truly shifting your own vibration and embodying the feminine leader within and in doing so, becoming a magnet to the success & wealth you are meant for.
Everyone knows what their worst looks like, but not everyone finds out what their best looks like.
Start 2025 by becoming unrelatable by becoming HER.
Become intelligent, influential & fulfilled.
Includes: 4 group calls + bonus activation session call + pre-work!
Pre-work opens on 5 jan/ 2025 for Pre-Work.
Call 1 – 8 jan/ 2025 at 1pm CET
Call 2 – 15 jan/ 2025 at 8pm CET
Call 3 – 22 jan/ 2025 at 8pm CET
Call 4 – 29 jan/ 2025 at 11am CET
Call 5 (bonus activation session) – 3 feb/ 2025 at 11am CET
*You get lifetime access to the replays!
3.973,00 kr.
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